
7.6.2024 – Cornell College featured our research as part of their CSRI program.

6.25.2024Sarah and I were on KCRG’s Everyday Iowa talking about the research we have been conducting this summer.

5.1.2024 – Kicking off my first Cornell Summer Research Institute with three new students. Check out their research projects.

1.18.2024 – A couple recent news stories on some of the research I have been conducting.

11.5.2023 – A recent published note on the presence of an aquatic turtle leech on terrestrial ornate box turtles came out in the September issue of Herpetological Review.

8.21.2023 – The school year is starting back up, check me out over at Cornell College.

8.4.2023 – I was given the opportunity to be included on a new paper published in Journal of Herpetology. Researchers from Coe College and Washburn University evaluated data from citizen science platforms, published literature and unpublished studies to determine seasonal timing of copulation in the ornate box turtle.

7.7.2023 – New paper published in Ecological Indicators on freshwater turtles being bioindicators following a diluted bitumen oil spill. Check it out here.

6.25.2023 – I was recently featured in a Wildlife Society news article regarding my paper on translocated turtles.

3.29.2023 – New paper published in Conservation Science and Practice on the ability of riverine turtles to find their way “home” after being translocated.

3.15.2023 – New paper published in Herpetologica on the long-term effects on physiological stress and immune functioning in northern map turtles following an oil spill. Check it out here.

2.8.2023 – Two new Blanding’s turtle natural history notes were published in the latest issue of Herpetological Review, one on terrestrial estivation and the other on fertility and hatchling survival.

1.31.2023 – New website. Welcome.