
15. Fischer, S.E., J.G. Otten, A.M. Lindsay, D.B. Miles, H.M. Streby. Drab and distant birds are studied less than their fancy-feather friends. Pre-print.

14. Otten, J.G., I.T. Clifton, D.F. Becker, J.M. Refsnider. 2024. Here comes the sun: Thermoregulatory behavior in ectotherms illuminated with light-level geolocators. Journal of Zoology. 2024 April 22.

13. Otten, J.G., J.M. Refsnider. 2024. Bigger is better: age-class specific survival rates in long-lived turtles increases with size. Journal of Wildlife Management. 88(3).

12. Otten, J.G., D.F. Becker. 2023. Terrapene ornata ornata leech parasitism. Herpetological Review. September 2023.

11. Hughes, D.F., S. Dukuly, D.F. Becker, J. Scharosch, J.G. Otten, S. Wagner, B.M. Reed. 2023. Copulation phenology of ornate box turtles (Terrapene ornata). Journal of Herpetology 57(2): 246-253

10. Otten, J.G., L. Williams, J.M. Refsnider. 2023. Freshwater turtle populations as bioindicators following an oil spill: Delayed demographic changes reveal long-term impacts. Ecological Indicators, 154:110519

9. Otten, J.G., L. Williams, J.M. Refsnider. 2023. Assessing translocation success and long-distance homing in riverine turtles ten years after a freshwater oil spill. Conservation Science and Practice, e12922

8. Refsnider, J.M., N. Torres, J.G. Otten. 2023. No evidence of long-term effects on physiological stress or innate immune functioning in Northern map turtles a decade after a freshwater oil spill. Herpetologica 79(1): 22-29

7. VanDeWalle, T.J., J.G. Otten. 2022. Emydoidea blandingii (Blanding’s Turtle) terrestrial estivation. Herpetological Review 53(4): 667-668

6. VanDeWalle, T.J., J.G. Otten. 2022. Emydoidea blandingii (Blanding’s Turtle) fertility and hatchling survival. Herpetological Review 53(4): 666-667

5. Otten, J.G., L. Williams, J.M. Refsnider. 2022. Survival outcomes of rehabilitated riverine turtles following a freshwater oil spill. Environmental Pollution 311:119968

4. Otten, J.G., A.C. Hulbert, S.W. Berg, J.W. Tamplin. 2021. Home range, site fidelity, and movement patterns of the wood turtle (Glyptemys insculpta) at the southwestern edge of its range. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 20(20): 231-241.

3. Otten, J.G. 2020. Twenty-four new county and river drainage records for Graptemys spp. for Iowa, USA. Herpetological Review 51(2):284-286

2. Otten, J.G., T.J. VanDeWalle. 2014. Apalone spinifera (Spiny softshell), Chelydra serpentina (Snapping turtle), and Sternotherus odoratus (Eastern musk turtle) homing behavior. Herpetological Review 45(2): 309-311

1. Rasmussen, R.D., J.G. Otten, J.W. Dixon. 2010. New state record and notable range extension for Libellula semifasciata (Odonata: Libellulidae). The Great Lakes Entomologist 43(1): 91-93